I swear I'm not ignoring this blog. I just had nothing to write about. Then I read this book. Then I read another. Then I did an awesome makeup look. And I just forgot that "hey, I have a blog I can write about this in!"
So here I go.
I've read books with more than one author before. One of my favorite books of all time is Good Omens by Neil Gaimen and Terry Pratchett. I'm not sure how they handled the dual authorship but let me tell you, it was a million times better than Lisa Lutz and David Hayward did.
And that sucks. I wanted to love this book. I love The Spellman Files by Lisa Lutz and it always upsets me when an author I like just bombs. And this felt like a bomb to me.
Simple enough, odd chapters are written by Lisa Lutz and even chapters by David Hayward. Between each chapter is correspondence to each other. If this was supposed to be endearing... It wasn't. Turns out they dated in the past and if that wasn't clear in the beginning of the book, it's made clear by their snipping at each other. Childish banter between adults is bad in person and felt even worse in writing. Especially when one writer than decides to write a chapter as if it's a "See Spot Run" book to get back at the other.
What I took from it. Nothing good. Ego and insults galore. Lisa killing off David's characters. David being a smart ass in his chapters to get back at her.
And the story wasn't good. I could not tell you the names of the main characters (except Sook who isn't even a main character and only cause his name was uncommon). The story was so back and forth, and you could tell that it was written by two different people, which would've been fine, I think, if they had an actual plan. I feel like every other letter from Lisa mentioned how they needed to focus on "this part" but she wouldn't focus on it in her own chapters!
All in all, not good.
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